
Welcome to the Churchgate Area Association Website

The Churchgate Area Association (CAA) represents all residents and businesses in the mediaeval grid area of Bury St Edmunds. As well as the information on this website, the CAA publishes a regular newsletter which is delivered to every house and business in the grid.

AGM October 25th 2024
All residents of the Grid are invited to attend our AGM on Friday, October 25th at 7pm in the Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street. You can renew your membership at the meeting (using cash).
After the main business of the AGM Dr. Michael Walker will give a talk on the Battle of Fornham –  ‘a hard and grievous battle’ and the Siege of Haughley ‘a bloody battle of rape and pillage’, which both took place in 1170.
Dr Walker will have copies his book: ‘A Hard and Grievous Battle’ for sale at the meeting. Wine and Canapés will be served after the talk.

2023 Chairman’s Report
At our AGM in 2023, our Chairman, Vivien Gainsborough Foot, presented her annual report. You can read it here: Chairman’s report 2023

Facebook page
We have a Facebook page, which has information about our Anti-idling campaign to clean up the air quality in our town centre. It’s regularly updated with local issue information.

Membership renewals
Our new membership year starts on October 1st. Membership is only £5 per person, cheques payable to Churchgate Area Association. Please drop in or send to Judy Broadway, Membership Secretary, at 68 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1NR. You can pay directly to our bank account, or set up a standing order via internet banking. Please contact us for details.  For all enquiries please email: caainfo@btinternet.com

The CAA Committee
We meet every month and welcome input on anything relevant to members. For the list of current Committee Members see above tab.
We hold two social events each year, one the AGM, usually with a speaker.
All CAA events are free to members and include free refreshments.

See the ‘Useful Links’ tab for details and contacts for your local Councillors for West Suffolk Council and the Town Council.